Модуль Mx Swiper


Хранитель порядка
19 Окт 2016
1712236233154.pngMx swiper slider joomla module is build with swiper js which is one of the most fast modern mobile touch slider. Because it doesn't require jQuery, it makes Swiper slider to load much faster. The module comes with 5 different effects and displays k2 items, articles content and have the option to create unlimited custom items. Swiper slider has a unique look and is responsive module. Check all the available effects in the Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся.
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Mx Swiper v4.0.8
Mx Swiper K2 v4.0.8
1712774159009.pngMx swiper2 module for joomla 4 and joomla 3 built with swiper js which is one of the most fast modern mobile touch slider with accelerated transitions and amazing native behavior. Swiper 2 slider displays k2 items, articles content and have the option to create unlimited custom items. it comes with two different background styles, light and dark, and five styles effect loading.

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Mx Swiper2 v4.0.22
Mx Swiper2 K2 v4.0.22